
Some Common Questions About Charter Schools | Some More Information About P.A.C.E. (Partnership for the Arts in Education) | Some Common Questions About an Arts-Based Curriculum
Some More Information About P.A.C.E. (Partnership for the Arts in Education)
ArtSpace Charter School Information Site

What is PACE?

PACE is a non-profit organization of your friends and neighbors, with a deep abiding belief in the potential of each child. PACE is committed to the establishment of ArtSpace Charter School, an arts-based charter school in Buncombe County.

Guiding Principles:

- Each child is capable of learning
- Each child learns in unique ways
- Every teacher is also a student
- Arts enrich every life
- Imagination is the key to knowledge
- Parents and community are indespensible
school partners
- Schools are accountable to the community

In the formation phase of the ArtSpace Charter School, PACE is responsible for all the functions attendant to starting a new school:

* Curriulum development *
* Facility selection and preparation *
* Staffing *
* Student enrollment *
* Fund-raising *
* Statutory compliance *
* Nonprofit corporation management *

Once ArtSpace Charter School opens in August 2001, PACE will:

* Serve as the school policy board *
* Assist the Director with school operations *
* Provide financial oversight *
* Conduct fund-raising *
* Serve as a conduit for community input *